Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Happy Labor's Day

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work and only way to do great work is to love what you do...Work isn't to make money, you work to justify life! Happy Labor's Day :) 

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Happy Earth Day

Only when the last tree has died and the last river been 

poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we 

cannot eat money...!!!

#Make Earthday everyday!!! Happy EARTH DAY :) 

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Being a winner !!!

 1.Card making competition-
Time limit- 1hour
Card that made SM Memory Makers win 1st prize at INIFD, Hubli, Karnataka ! :)
Theme- LOVE ♥ 

2.Fashion Collage! Won 2nd prize @ INIFD, Hubli, Karnataka.

My fellow competitors!!!

Work of my fellow competitors in competitions!

1.Few cards made by my fellow competitors @ INIFD, Hubli, 


2. Fashion collage by few other participants! @ INIFD, Hubli, Karnataka...
Left side collage was awarded 1st!

Monday, 8 April 2013

Woohh!!! Felicitated for being an 

entrepreneur for starting up SM Memory

 Makers at SMRITI, Alumini meet at my 

college KLE CBA, Hubli, Karnataka :)

DATE : 6th April 2013

#Such an awesome moment and great 


Thank you KLE CBA for recognizing my 

work and appreciating it! ♥ 

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Crochet LOVE <3

CROCHET is a process of creating fabric from yarn, thread, 

or other material strands using a crochet hook! 

We have various crochet stuff like- Crochet hair clips, 

Hairbands, Keychains, Variety of bags and more! Check the 


To order- Inbox us on our FB fan page- 


1. Winner of WORDS FOR WOMEN contest won these lovely 

multi-colored bow shaped crochet hair clips! 

2. Crochet sling bag #made on order :) 

Color-Dark pink with multi color handle and heart 


Size- 5"*8"

With lining n zipper!

3.Heart, flower and bow shaped crochet hair-clips! #Made on order! ♥ 

4.Crochet bow shaped various colored Hair-clips AVAILABLE 

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Bookmarks for sale 

Bookmarks are tags used to mark one's place in a book...

NOTE : You can buy single piece as well as the whole set! 

To buy- Facebook inbox us on - or email us on

1.'Sun sign' handmade paper book marks!

2.'Golden love' handmade paper bookmarks...

3."iHeartu" handmade paper bookmarks...

4. 'iHeartu2' handmade paper bookmarks...

5.Hand drawn paper bookmarks...

Happy Holi

Enjoy the festival of colors! Happy Holi everybody.

Words for Women

Words For Women

International Women's Day (IWD), is marked on March 8 every year. In different regions the focus of the celebrations ranges from general celebration of respect, appreciation and love towards women to a celebration for women's economic, political and social achievements.

Words For Women is all making her feel special on this Women's day :)

-What you have to do?
Dedicate something to her ( it can be message , picture, song, or anything you would like to dedicate )
NOTE- you can also make something handmade and send us the picture of that! 

-Who can dedicate?
Anybody can dedicate
NOTE- Group of people can also dedicate.

-Whom can you dedicate?
Any women ( she can be your friend, girl-friend, sister, mom, grandmother, guardian, teacher )
NOTE-You can dedicate to group of people also.

-Where and how?
Send us the content on our Facebook inbox or email us at

P.S- We have special gift for best dedication :)

Other titles-
Dedicator king/ queen - The person who dedicates highest number of messages

Dedication queen - The one who will receive highest number of dedications.

Women's day card for the winner of Words For Women 


Facebook link

Participation goodie for all the participants of WORDS FOR 

WOMEN event :)

Facebook link

Crafty posts :D

Craft is an expensive hobby!!!

Facebook link

Monday, 18 March 2013

Recycle- Reuse

Look what i made out of waste home-shop plastic covers! 

Book covers of my drawing books with loads of doodling on 


Friday, 8 March 2013

Just a Glimpse ;) 

Just a glimpse of projects am working on!

1. Working on Women's day special cards!!! 

2. Women's Day Project

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Happy Women's Day 

We are cute daughters, we are sweet sisters, we are lovely lovers, we are darling wives, we are adorable mothers, we are source of strength, we are WOMEN! Happy Women’s Day!

Feel special, unique, on top of the world.. its your day.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Yes !!! i sew :)

1. SM Memory Makers 1st TOTE bag! already sold :)

2.Girly Tote Bag with crochet birdie ♥ #SOLD 

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Save it to be saved !!!

1. Stop !!! because innocent people are dying... :(

Monday, 18 February 2013

Customized Facebook Timeline Cover Photos

Yes! we do customized Facebook timeline cover photos too.

1. SM Memory Makers work place ♥ 

For our Facebook Fan page...

2. For Kritika Chadha

3. For my Brother's Facebook Photography fan page- Just Clicks- S M Photography

4. For Devendra Bhansali

Facebook link

5. For Kishan Habib

6. For winner of WORDS FOR WOMEN contest! - Vinita Malu
Contest FB link- Facebook album

7. Customized cover pic for my crafty friend- Apeksha 

Kothari :) ♥ 

8.  Facebook customized cover pic for my Fashion designing friend - Suma Patil

Facebook link

9. For Sneha Mylapur

Facebook link