Sunday, 24 February 2013

Save it to be saved !!!

1. Stop !!! because innocent people are dying... :(

Monday, 18 February 2013

Customized Facebook Timeline Cover Photos

Yes! we do customized Facebook timeline cover photos too.

1. SM Memory Makers work place ♥ 

For our Facebook Fan page...

2. For Kritika Chadha

3. For my Brother's Facebook Photography fan page- Just Clicks- S M Photography

4. For Devendra Bhansali

Facebook link

5. For Kishan Habib

6. For winner of WORDS FOR WOMEN contest! - Vinita Malu
Contest FB link- Facebook album

7. Customized cover pic for my crafty friend- Apeksha 

Kothari :) ♥ 

8.  Facebook customized cover pic for my Fashion designing friend - Suma Patil

Facebook link

9. For Sneha Mylapur

Facebook link

Express through products
Express your feelings through our huge range of products :)

Facebook Inbox us or email us at to buy and for more details...

how about gifting a teddy bear with a picture of you and him/her OR cartoon characters of you both? Interesting? 

How about expressing your feelings through a coffee mug?


How about having a mobile charm with a picture of you ???

Love your phone? how about having a mobile cover with a photo of you or cartoon character of you? you can also gift it :) 

how about having a unique customized laptop sleeve ??? 

Expectation vrs Reality

This album is all about what we expect and what we do :D

1.On valentine's day what we expect and what we actually end up doing :D :P

2. When a girl is angry, what she thinks and what she does! 

Girl- I'm not talking to him! huh! >_<

When she meets him- 

Girl- I Love you! :D ♥ 

Valentine week's tags 

Express LOVE

"Express love" 
...our 1st event!!!
...a small effort to make some one feel special ♥

This Valentine's express your love and let the world know how much you love him/her! 
It's easy!
What you have to do? - Send a message to us expressing your love which you want him/her to know or the world to know! 

Where you have to send your message? - Facebook inbox us or email us at

Add ons- We will also draw a special drawing for you and your partner ♥ how cute is that! 

P.S- We are not charging for this :)
...and on request we will not disclose the names!

Facebook link

Few entries from different part of the world! 

Valentine's week 

7th February
"A Thorn is to defend the rose not to harm,

It harms only those who tries to steal Rose Blossoms"

Happy Rose Day ♥
 8th February
 'No poems no fancy words I just want the world to know

 that I LOVE YOU my Princess with all my heart. Happy 

Propose Day.' ♥

9th February 
Being in a relationship means you need to be nice and sweet 

with your guy/gal. What better than to start your date with

 lots of chocolates, whose sweetness will increase the charm 

in your relation :) HAPPY CHOCOLATE DAY :)

10th February
There’s something about a Teddy Bear that’s impossible to explain.
When you hold one in your arms, you get a feeling of love, comfort and security.
It’s almost supernatural. Happy Teddy Day :) ♥

11th February
I cant promise to solve all your problems, i can only promise

 that i'll never let u face them alone... ♥

Happy Promise Day!!! 

12th February
A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech 

when words become superfluous. Happy Kiss Day!!!

13th February
Hugs are to let people know you LOVE them without

 saying anything ♥

Happy Hug Day

14th February
A hundred hearts would be too few to carry all my LOVE for 

you!!! Happy Valentine's Day ♥ 

Behind the scenes :D

Lets see whats happening in our scrapping room...

1.After the month end holiday back to work with mehendifull 

hands :P :D

2. Making valentine's week cards...

3. This is how am killing my Sunday with some pc work, my drawing book, sketch pens and of course Enrique music! ♥

Facebook link

4. Drawing Happy Women's Day banner!

5. Making some gift embellishments for Birthday projects! 

6. Stamping S M Memory Makers on cards...

7. New colors of woollen at S M Memory Makers for crochet 

accessories and more :) 

8. Converting old jeans to trendy bags... #under construction :D

Facebook link

9. Sticking on SM Memory Makers logos on few projects! #to be completed!

Facebook link

10. My work place turned out to be such a mess after 8 

hours of crafting! Toughest part- "CLEANING" and start 

crafting AGAIN!!! :/

11.Love projects this week...

12. Step 1-

Blueprint of my next project!
#Planning process on!