Words for Women
Words For Women
International Women's Day (IWD), is marked on March 8 every year. In different regions the focus of the celebrations ranges from general celebration of respect, appreciation and love towards women to a celebration for women's economic, political and social achievements.
Words For Women is all making her feel special on this Women's day :)
-What you have to do?
Dedicate something to her ( it can be message , picture, song, or anything you would like to dedicate )
NOTE- you can also make something handmade and send us the picture of that!
-Who can dedicate?
Anybody can dedicate
NOTE- Group of people can also dedicate.
-Whom can you dedicate?
Any women ( she can be your friend, girl-friend, sister, mom, grandmother, guardian, teacher )
NOTE-You can dedicate to group of people also.
-Where and how?
Send us the content on our Facebook inbox or email us at sm.memorymakers@gmail.com
P.S- We have special gift for best dedication :)
Other titles-
Dedicator king/ queen - The person who dedicates highest number of messages
Dedication queen - The one who will receive highest number of dedications.
Women's day card for the winner of Words For Women
Facebook link
Participation goodie for all the participants of WORDS FOR
WOMEN event :)
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