Monday, 27 January 2014

Cd album

Recycle-Reuse :) 
Albums out of waste CDs. 
#cdalbum #handmade #smmemorymakers <3

Saturday, 25 January 2014


Love project on our work desk! 

New! Card bouquet

New year with new goodies!  
Heard of flower and chocolate bouquets? We have something new for you! 
"Card bouquet" it is!
Express and impress your loved ones by giving them one.
Theme-birthday! (Can be customised ) 
#cardbouquet #amor #doodle #customised #handmade #smmemorymakers <3 

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Pre-order for valentines!

Not even a month left for "Valentines" and we are already into making stuff for the same! 
Pre-orders for valentines open! ^_^
#handmade #scrapbooking #smmemorymakers <3 

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Cd album

New this january! 
Why throw old CDs when you can reuse them to make somebody feel special! Have a look at what we made outa old CDs-A cd photo album. Theme-Birthday. :) 
#birthdayproject #cdalbum #handmade #memories #smmemorymakers <3

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Makar sankranti :)

Makar sankranti everybody! Take sweet, talk sweet and be sweet! ^_^ 
#amor #quiero #seasonofkites #sketch #smmemorymakers <3

Monday, 13 January 2014

Amor on a cake

"Amor on a cake"- personalised bday tag.
No! We don't take orders for cakes! Made it for my cousin on his bday.
Cousins are our 1st childhood friends that can never be lost! ^_^
#bday #amor #caketag #customise #handmade #smmemorymakers <3

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Happy bday friend :)

What would one do on this earth without "FRIENDS"? 
What best than gifting memories filled customised goodies to a friend on her birthday? 
#perfectday #friends #sundaytp #bday #quiero #celebration #customised goodies #totebag #cdalbum #stickon #keychain #handmade #smmemorymakers <3

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Black and white!

Classy black n white crochet flower hairbow! 
#madeonorder #visazfan #crochet #accessories #candymodel #handmade #smmemorymakers <3

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Happy Hyd customer ^_^

We have a very young customer in Hyderabad! Stay young stay happy! Our 2 years young customer again with crochet hair-clip n badge on tee! ^_^ 
#happycustomer #hydfan #hairclip #badges #handmade #smmemorymakers <3

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Make someone smile! :)

That moment when you make a kid smile by offering a candy and make an instant friendship with them! ^_^
#reasontosmile #makesomeonesmile #quiero #sketch #smmemorymakers <3

Monday, 6 January 2014

Friday, 3 January 2014

Thursday, 2 January 2014

2014 handmade calendar

Start of the new year with crafts and loads of crafts! 
Customised handmade calendar for the year.