Friday, 28 February 2014

Thursday, 27 February 2014

2014's 1st expo

2014's 1st expo.
When-22,23 February 2014Where-Laxmi sadan, J.C Nagar, Hubli, KarnatakaTime- onwardsAbout the event-A 2 day exhibition where women will be exhibiting their talent.We introduced new fabric accessories, scribble books and some more products. Thank you people for having visited our stall :)

Facebook link

This is how our stall looked like.

 Bird view of products on stall. 

 Our banner/ photo corner.


 New products- scribble books, bookmarks, DIY cards.

 AMOR-QUIERO badges and keychains. 

 New fabric accessories introduced- Hairbands, rubberbands, clips.


 POSE POSE!!! Our fans posing with the masks. 

 Fans writing some feedbacks.


 SM3 (S M Memory Makers) tattoo on my hand.

Friday, 21 February 2014

Neon accessories

Sneak peak of Our new NEON collection for tomorrow's expo.
Want it? Buy it! 
#handmade #accessories #smmemorymakers <3

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Amor and Quiero greetings!

Find these lovely Amor and Quiero sketchy greetings in our upcoming expo this weekend! Details to be out soon. Stay tuned! ^_^ 
#amor #quiero #smmemorymakers <3

Monday, 17 February 2014

Fabric/ button love!

Trying our hands on fabric and buttons! 
Coming soon- something new for new expo! 
#accessories #handmade #smmemorymakers <3

Sunday, 16 February 2014


Walk for a cause, pledge to make our city safe for women. "Walkathon for women's safety" it was! Was a part of social awareness event this weekend, how was yours? :) 
(Sketching Quiero on the comments board of the event) 
P.S- I am holding yellow slogan board in the 1st picture on the right! :D

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Valentines day

Valentines Day-
Couples r dating, Singles are updating! :D 
#smmemorymakers <3

Friday, 14 February 2014

Box of memories

In life, You will always come across such people who will make you feel special and then leave! Don't be sad that the story with that person is over, be happy for once it had happen. People leave, memories stay...because memories lasts forever and nobody can take them away.
Happy Valentines Day with one such box of memories! 
#memories #handmade #smmemorymakers <3

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Valentines day

You belong with me ^_^ 
Happy Valentines Day <3


Dear Cupid, sincere request! Next time hit both! :D 
"Valentines special" 
#quiero Cupid #handmade #scrapbooking #smmemorymakers <3

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Day 7- Kiss Day

Borrow a kiss and promise that person to return it back! 
Day 7- Happy Kiss Day ^_^
#smmemorymakers <3

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Day 6- Hug Day

Hugs are to let people know how much you love them without saying anything! 
Day 6- Happy Hug Day ^_^ 
#smmemorymakers <3

Steadlers love!

A person is never too old when it comes to coloring a picture! 
Coloring Quiero for all new set of cards for our upcoming expo! ^_^ 
#steadlers #color #quiero #sketch #smmemorymakers <3

Monday, 10 February 2014

Day 5- Promise Day

I promise I'll never leave you even am a hundred! 
Day 5- Happy Promise Day ^_^ 
#smmemorymakers <3

Be my hero

This valentine ask "HIM" to be your super hero for life! ^_^ 
#minicard #hero #smmemorymakers <3 

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Day 4- Happy Teddy Day

You really don't have to be young to find a friend in a teddy bear.
Day 4- Happy Teddy Day ^_^
#smmemorymakers <3

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Day 3- Chocolate Day

Chocolates doesn't ask questions, chocolates understand! 
Day 3- Happy Chocolate Day ^_^
#smmemorymakers <3

Friday, 7 February 2014

Day 2- Propose Day

No fancy words! Just wanna say I LOVE YOU truly madly deeply ^_^ 
Day 2- Happy Propose Day 
#amor #quiero #sketch #smmemorymakers <3

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Valentines week- rose day

Happy valentines week! 
Day 1- Happy Rosé Day ^_^ 
#smmemorymakers <3

Happy birthday to us!

We are turning 3 today ! 

Birthday give away!

S M Memory Makers "Birthday Give away" 
Like our products? Here's a chance to win them! 
What you need to do? 
1.Upload a picture of our you with our product (it can be only product too) 
2.Title it -"happy birthday S M Memory Makers" 
3.Inbox us the link of same.

Picture with highest likes will win our goodies in our upcoming expo of this month! :) 

Last date- 20th February 2014. 

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Golden anniversary

This love season lets wish a couple, celebrating 50years of togetherness, 50 years of unconditional love, their golden anniversary! 
Trying to make the couple feel special by putting up their golden memories on papers which they can cherish forever. ^_^ 
#goldenanniversary #amor #quiero #scrapbooking #handmade #smmemorymakers <3

Monday, 3 February 2014

Love meets fashion!

"Love meets fashion!"
Neon love project on our work desk today. 
#neon #loveproject #handmade #scrapbooking #smmemorymakers <3

Love stamps

Loads n loads of love projects this love season! ^_^ 
#lovestamps #smmemorymakers <3

Love story <3

Saturday, 1 February 2014


Say hello to 'Month of LOVE'-"FEBRUARY" ^_^ 
#handmade #calendar #smmemorymakers <3