Thursday, 29 May 2014


"Call HER beautiful like it's her name." :) #scrapbooking #girly #handmade #customise #smmemorymakers <3

Tuesday, 27 May 2014


"If you cannot make her smile, you lose every right from stopping her from going to someone who does." #thought #beyou #princess  #badge #quiero #smmemorymakers <3

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Love note

No matter what you are, No matter what you have done, No matter what you will do, I will always love you. :) #lovenote #smmemorymakers <3

Friday, 16 May 2014

Daddy's girl

"Dad, I may find my prince some day but, you will always be my hero. Happy Birthday." :) #dad #birthday #daddysgirl #handmade #scrapbooking #smmemorymakers <3 

Thursday, 15 May 2014


We don't know why we even bother getting crushes on people because it's not like we end up dating them, so it's so waste of feelings. #crush #amorquiero #sketch #memories #smmemorymakers <3

Tuesday, 13 May 2014


"I don't even have a picture of him, he lasts in my memory." -Titanic <3
#memories #moments #special #boxedmemories #handmade #smmemorymakers :)

Monday, 12 May 2014


"Feelings that come back are feelings that never left." #smmemorymakers <3

Thursday, 8 May 2014


"Love is when you can't stop looking at him, even if he'll never look back." 
#memories #handmade #scrapbooking #somebodysme #smmemorymakers <3 


Life is a gift and so is "HIM", appreciate both. :) 
#badge #amorquiero #smmemorymakers <3

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

"Wrapped memories"

"Wrapped memories"
One person-million feelings-thousand thoughts-100 of memories. <3 
#memories #moments #specialone #scrapbooking #smmemorymakers :)

Monday, 5 May 2014

"Just us"

"When I first saw you, you were just another face in the crowd. But now, you are the only face I try to find in the crowd." ^_^ #loveproject #justus #scrapbooking #amorquiero #handmade #smmemorymakers <3

Friday, 2 May 2014