Tuesday 11 March 2014

Somebody that I used to know!

"It took awhile to understand the beauty of just letting go"
Its ironic how suddenly out of nowhere a non-existent person becomes important in our lives. One fine day you realise that person doesn't even care about our existence and why were you holding on to something that was not even yours. "Moving on", the tough part, is not as easy as it sounds. Life isn't a fairy tale that starts with "once upon a time" and ends with a "happily ever after". You just don't know what the story is about. Unlike fairy tales life isn't predictable. You don't know what is in the store for you. Life can never promise you to be always happy but it gets better after you accept things you just can't change and look at those people and realise that they are just "Somebody that I used to know..."
#sketch #amorquiero #lyrics #smmemorymakers <3

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